In 2020-21, I worked with a photography school, and in one of my sales letters, I wrote the theme, "Are you a photographer or a title?"
We didn't need those guys who identify themselves as photographers. We needed those who still thought they were a "title. We needed their lack of self-esteem, because that was the category of photographers we wanted to sell our product to, so that when they left us, they would say, "I'm a photographer.
I haven't worked at that school in two years, but I still get a letter with that theme. Because it hurts, because it sells, because it hurts. Because the person who wants to dedicate themselves to making memories of the most important events in people's lives is unsure of themselves, of their abilities, of their talent, of the quality of their pictures. That's who our client is.
And this formulation did not come out of nowhere. It didn't come out of nowhere. It's pretty damn simple and elementary, you might say. Yes, and that's its complexity, because it describes the moral state of the aspiring photographer like no other. In fact, you can put any other profession instead of a photographer and it will be the same. I found this formulation while researching a chat room of students at the school. They say that about themselves. It is "it's about me."
Every business has that bundle that one day shoots straight into space. The only time you'll find it is when you start looking. Searching means sending people emails, analyzing statistics, building a funnel in emails, changing it. And one day some letter will take and in the first 2 hours of his way out into the world will sell a course for 240 thousand rubles, and you are a starting school, and this money will pay for all the preparation for this course. You'll be shocked at the fact that all this money happened within 2 hours. For you, as a startup school, that's going to be a lot.
And there's no secret here - there are comments under YouTube videos that people write. Staza Belogaeva's copywriter will just sit down and read the comments under the last 50 videos. We were then bringing an American keto diet doctor to the Russian market. We translated dozens of videos and uploaded them to YouTube. The comments under the videos gave us a content plan for about six months. We didn't have to make anything up, people were asking and waiting for an answer. And we gave them the answer in the form of a website and emails and the sales letter went off.
We wrote other newsletters before that, and someone had been writing them before me for a couple of months. But what was the secret was communicating with the person in their language.
Not "3 cortisol secrets that are killing your hormonal system," but "why you can't lose weight on any diet."
A person can't take his hormonal system out and put it on the table and look at it. It's not even the liver, which you've even seen a picture of in your eyes. The hormonal system is something ethereal, it does not exist as an organ, it is not a system like the wires in a car, it is not a network of veins and capillaries, which can also at least somehow be seen... it makes no sense for a person to decide what he does not understand. And "losing weight" is understandable. It's the reflection in the mirror, it's the jeans a woman has or has not fit into. It's measurable and emotionally colored, because if she fits in, super, and if she doesn't fit in, not super. It has an emotion to it.
Beating into the emotion means that it will open the letter.
People buy from people. People buy where it's about them. Rarely do people buy from the first newsletter. It usually takes time for people to read your emails, sometimes to disagree with them, sometimes even to come to your events and agree with you as a person or as a company. But the person reads. That's priceless. And your job is to give him something to read all the time. And in every letter, hit where "yes, it's about me." Sometimes hit it hard, sometimes in passing. But hit, always, in every letter. One day the man's mind will outweigh your knowledge of him so much that he will agree to let you be his guide to somewhere better than he is now.
Letters are meant to always walk with a person by the hand through life. Slowly or noticeably, slowly and emotionally, and one day say "well? Come with us?" and the man will agree, because you have already become something habitual in his life, like coffee in the morning or toothpaste in the bathroom.
To become toothpaste in his coffee, you need a strategy. You can't become toothpaste with three letters, but you can become toothpaste with three hundred. Three hundred letters you have to plan. Three letters don't need to be planned, 300 needs to be planned to create a wave of information from one letter to the next.
A wave is a huge mass of water flying ashore with destructive force. The wave is not formed in 3 seconds, it is the accumulated power. A mailing list is a wave. One day your client must be washed away, and, seeing the wave, he should understand "resist it no longer makes sense, I must give up.
I know how to make waves by the millions. It's a work in progress, it's a work in small increments for months at a time. Each open letter will give your wave a drop of strength. So, one drop at a time, we will gather your ocean.